Sjnoberg - Mobile App Design

Design a Mobile App for Sjnoberg visitors to plan their ski vacation.

About Sjnoberg

Sjnoberg is a ski hostel located in a premiere ski location in Iceland. The remote location has impacted the resorts ability to reach its target audience abroad, so I have been tasked with designing a simple mobile app so that visitors can plan their trips o sjnoberg remotely.


Design a mobile app that allows visitors to plan their trips to sjnoberg, check the local snow report and weather, as well as purchase lift tickets.


1 Design Researcher
1 Engineer
1 Product Manager
1 UX Designer - Ben


Making skiing at Icelands premiere resort more accessible to the public.



An app that allows skiers to view the current snow and weather conditions, as well as plan visits to the resort.


A dynamic landing page that displays Sjnobergs branding and imagery.

There is currently no way for skiers to reserve sleeping space and buy lift tickets online or on their mobile device. The design should be user friendly, and allow for all of this to happen in one place.



The design process included phases in research, insights, ideation, and design testing. Each phase included tasks in order to further the design of the app.


The competitive audits and user research/diagramming were the most impactful steps in the process, allowing me to take inspiration from existing apps and taking into account things that users found difficult about he apps.

User Research

The user flow diagram illustrates the process the user will take while navigating the app. It allowed me to visualize each step in the navigation process in order to improve upon the design layout.

Design DecisionsTakeAways

The flexibility of the app could be improved upon, allowing for more navigation options. It is important that the app reflects the brand, but also provides the user with a means to access all of the amenities on the site. For instance, a FAQ section, a more detailed mountain report section, and an interactive map with the hostels location.


The app is successful in its simplicity.I has simple but visually pleasing animations on the landing page, and the user is able to easily locate the navigations.