GA Gallery Website Re-Design

Re-Design GA Gallery's desktop website for users who would like to schedule visits, tours, shop the gallery online, and locate the gallery.

About GA Gallery

Global Architect (GA) is located in central Tokyo, and is an architects dream gallery. Designed by Makoto Suzuki and Yukio Futagawa, the gallery boasts impressive work from world renowned architects during exhibitions and contains an architecture book store. Having been there myself, I attempted to re-visit the galleries website from back home in the USA, and started to brainstorm ideas for how the website could be more user friendly.


Re-Design GA Galleries website, allowing visitors to browse the collection online and schedule visits and tours.


1 Engineer
1 Product Manager
1 UX Designer - Ben


Make the Gallery more accessible for those visiting from abroad, and allow those who have visited to have continuous access to the galleries inventory.



Re-Design GA Galleris online presence using their existing logos and marks, as well as follow their common typography and overall aesthetic.


Allow users to navigate the Gallery online. Meaning that they can shop the Galleries bookstore online, as well as view images of the gallery and their inventory.


GA Galleries desktop website is clunky and difficult to use. The challenge is to re-design the website so that it is user friendly, and scheduling visits is easily accessible.

User Research

The diagram above illustrates the users flow upon opening the website for the first time.


The website was cluttered, which made it difficult for the user to find their destination.


The users were confused upon opening the website.

Design DecisionsTakeAways

The user always comes first

The previous website was cluttered and confusing upon landing. There were a lot of buttons that end up taking the user to the same page. Being able to simplify the design, or de-clutter it, was essential in designing a more user friendly website. This project was a great lesson in learning how to research and meet the users needs.